Sunday, November 4, 2012


Just once I want to be good enough for someone. Whether it's my parents, other relatives, friends, guys I date, just anyone. It would just be nice to feel like - at least once - I'm not constantly letting everyone down. I'm sick of being me not being enough. I'm sorry I'm not perfect. Trust me, I wish I was. I carve that word into my skin over and over again hoping that maybe it will make me perfect somehow. But it doesn't. It just makes me ugly. I want so badly for people to realize that I have good intentions and that I really do try. But they don't. And even if they do it's not enough. Nothing is ever enough.

My prayer to you God is just to send me one person. Send me one person who I will be good enough for. Who doesn't expect so much of me and won't always end up let down. Send me, not just somebody who loves me no matter what, but someone who is always proud of me no matter what. Someone who knows I'm going to make mistakes, but chooses to forgive me and help me rather than get angry and disappointed. I just need one... Just one person who knows I will never be perfect and doesn't expect that of me. Someone who loves me anyways. Send me someone who I can be good enough for. Amen.

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