Sunday, September 23, 2012

I Was Just Thinking

So here's the thing...
I've recently been pressured into starting a blog because of my supposed "writing skills". Let me assure you - they are non-existent. But in reality, that's not what blogs are for. Talented writers, I mean. They are for anyone and everyone. They are for expressing feelings, sharing thoughts and ideas, showing the world what really goes on inside that head of yours, and mostly? For whatever you want them to be. A blog, in its own way, is how we wear our hearts on our sleeves. We let the world see a vulnerable side of us that we don't always show. Our deepest thoughts, inner-most feelings, strange views and hidden experiences go on to a place like this. A place where we can be known, yet unknown. Where we can open up, without risking too much. We share with the world who we really are, in hopes that we will be accepted and that people will relate to and possibly learn from us. Thinking about all this has given me the desire to, yes, start my own blog - despite my unqualified experience.

Thing is...
This is my blog. This is who I am. And I'm ready to show you.

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